Terms and Services ​

1 . Scope of Services: Our company offers consulting and international trade services to clients in various industries. Our services include but are not limited to market research, business development, international trade consulting, and advisory services.

2. Client Obligations: Clients are responsible for providing accurate information and cooperating with our team throughout the engagement. Clients should provide timely feedback and communicate any changes in their business or goals that may impact our services.

3. Payment: Fees for our services are based on the scope of work agreed upon with the client. Payment terms will be outlined in the agreement between the client and our company. Late payments may result in suspension or termination of services.

4. Confidentiality: We understand the sensitive nature of the information shared with us by our clients. Therefore, we guarantee to keep all client information confidential and not disclose it to third parties without prior written consent.

5. Intellectual Property: All materials produced during the engagement, including reports, analyses, and recommendations, remain the property of our company. Clients are granted a non-exclusive license to use these materials for internal purposes only.

6. Limitation of Liability: Our company will not be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages resulting from the use of our services. Clients assume full responsibility for the consequences of their business decisions and actions.

7. Termination: Either party may terminate the engagement at any time with written notice. In the event of termination, clients will be billed for all services provided up until the date of termination.

8. Governing Law: These terms and services will be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which our company is registered.

9. Modification: We reserve the right to modify these terms and services at any time. Clients will be notified of any changes and will be required to accept the revised terms before continuing to use our services.

By using our website and engaging our services, clients agree to abide by these terms and services.